Ascochyta blight

Management of ascochyta in pulses requires an integrated approach using cultural methods and registered fungicides. The following practices are recommended to manage the risk of ascochyta;
- Rotate crops to allow spores on the soil or crop residue to lose viability
- Plant pulses in paddocks after a two-year break in faba beans and a three-year break in chickpea, lentil and field pea crops
- Remove or bury contaminated trash residue, taking care to minimise wind erosion risks
- Sow clean seed
- Control alternative hosts
- Plant more tolerant varieties
- Use a registered seed treatment
- Inspect regularly to identify disease symptoms early
- Apply foliar fungicides in areas of high risk.
Aviator® Xpro is registered for the control of ascochyta blight in chickpeas, faba beans, field peas and lentils and should be applied preventatively before an infection event occurs (i.e. before rain). It should also be applied as a part of a preventative program in rotation with other registered fungicides from different mode of action groups.
Agriculture Victoria (2016), ‘Ascochyta blight of lentil’,
Agriculture Victoria (2016), ‘Blackspot of Field Peas’,
CropPro (2014), ‘Ascochyta blight of chickpeas',
CropPro (2014), ‘Ascochyta blight of faba beans’,
CropPro (2014), ‘Ascochyta of lentils’,
Galloway, J (2017), ‘Faba bean: Ascochyta blight diseases, Department of Primary Industry and Regional Development (DPIRD),
Moore, K, Ryley, M, Cumming, G and Jenkins, L (2015), ‘Chickpea: Ascochyta blight management, Australia Pulse Bulletin,
Richardson, H (2016), ‘Ascochyta Leaf and Pod Spot of Faba bean’, Agriculture Victoria,