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Related Pests

Cordana leaf spot
Cordana musae (also known as Neocordana musae), Cordana johnstonii (also known as Neocordana johnstonii)
Affecting bananas, cordana leaf spot (CLS), also known as banana diamond leaf spot, is caused by two fungi species; C. musae, which is more commonly found in tropical regions and C. johnstonii, which is found in the cooler banana growing regions of Australia. Although being widespread, CLS is not considered a major pest of bananas and is usually a secondary invader of leaf lesions caused by other fungi. Growth and spread of CLS can be accelerated by frequent rain and hot, humid conditions.

Banana weevil borer
Cosmopolites sordidus
Banana weevil borers, also known as banana weevil or banana root borer, are found throughout the coastal banana growing areas of New South Wales, Queensland and the Ord River Irrigation area of WA. Economic losses from banana weevil borers varies with plant growth rates. In the cooler areas of south-east Queensland and New South Wales where growth rates are slow, it is more difficult to maintain a high level of plantation hygiene, as such banana weevil borers can become a major pest causing significant economic losses.

Banana rust thrips
Chaetanaphothrips signipennis
Banana rust thrips are a widespread problem in the coastal areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales. Predominantly affecting bananas, they have also been found in citrus and some native plants. In bananas they cause superficial damage to the skin which can result in the fruit being downgraded or rejected at market. Banana rust thrips are notably troublesome in areas with red soil and where bunch bagging is not used. Fruit that grows in the early warmer months tends to be more at risk.
Refer to the links below on different thrips species.
Refer to the links below on different thrips species.