Blackspot of field peas
Refer to links below for more information on blackspot in other crops.

Blackspot causes lesions on the stems, leaves, pods and seeds. Lower stem lesions appear as purplish black streaks, which can cause rot at the plant base and sometimes death. Leaf spots are small, dark brown, and irregular shaped and dispersed over the leaf. Spots on pods are purplish black and can merge to develop sunken areas. Infected seeds can be discoloured and look purplish brown.
Blackspot is seed-borne or soil-borne and can survive on infected stubbles. Ascospores are the main source of primary infection, produced in perithecia on old stubbles and are released and spread via wind and rain. Infection can occur at any growth stage and in wet weather the disease proliferates. Infection can also arise when infected seed is planted and typically in wet years the effect from seed-borne infection is worse.
CropPro (2014), ‘Ascochyta Blight (Blackspot) of Field Peas’,
Agriculture Victoria (2016), ‘Black spot of field peas’, Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources, Victoria, AG0150,
Herbiguide (Viewed Oct 2019), ‘ Ascochyta Black Spot of Peas’