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Buctril 200 EC Herbicide

Buctril 200 EC Herbicide, applied as a post-emergence application, controls a broad range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye and triticale; linseed, clover or lucerne pastures; turf and fallow. Buctril has excellent compatibility with a range of other post emergent herbicides and can be used during a wide range of growth stages in cereal crops, from 3 leaf to full tillered. 

  • At a glance

  • Crop Suitability

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Product Type
Active Ingredient
Bromoxynil 200 g/L
Formulation Type
Emulsifiable concentrate
Pack Size
20 L
110 L
Chemical Group
Application Usage Notes
Wheat Various broadleaf weeds All states
Barley Various broadleaf weeds All states
Cereal rye Various broadleaf weeds All states
Oats Various broadleaf weeds All states
Triticale Various broadleaf weeds All states
Linseed pastures Various broadleaf weeds All states
Clover pastures Various broadleaf weeds All states
Lucerne pastures Various broadleaf weeds All states
Lotus seed or forage crops Various broadleaf weeds QLD only
Clover seed crops Various broadleaf weeds WA, Vic and SA only
Fallow and non-crop
Cowvine or peachvine
Qld, NSW and ACT only
Pastures Various broadleaf weeds
All states
Roadsides, rights-of-way
Various broadleaf weeds
SA, Tas and Vic only
Turf Bindy-eye, Jo-Jo and cudweed
All states

Buctril 200 EC Herbicide Product Label

239 KB
  • Label

Buctril 200 EC Herbicide Product Label

Buctril 200 EC Herbicide SDS

285 KB
  • SDS

Buctril 200 EC Herbicide SDS

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