
TagTeam® biological inoculant

TagTeam® is a dual action inoculant tool combining the phosphate-solubilising microorganism Penicillium bilaii with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia bacteria. Together, they can create more fixed nitrogen, and better access to soil and fertiliser phosphate, providing higher yield potential in pulse crops.

  • Product details

  • Labels & SDS

  • TagTeam granular application

  • TagTeam peat application

  • User Guides and Downloads

Product Type
Seed Treatments
Active Ingredient
Penicillium bilaiae 1.0 x 105 cfu / g
Formulation Type
Pack Size
2.45 kg
18 kg
TagTeam is available in a peat formulation and in a ‘down the tube’ granular formulation. Each pulse/legume crop associates with a specific rhizobia species as shown in the table below. Make sure to use the proper species for your crop.
Crop Inoculant TagTeam formulation available
Chickpea Mesorhizobium ciceri pre-sterilised Self-sticking peat
Pea, lentil, faba bean, vetch Rhizobium leguminosarum pre-sterilised Self-sticking peat
Pea, lentil, faba bean, vetch Rhizobium leguminosarum pre-sterilised Granular
Lupin Bradyrhizobium lupini pre-sterilised
Self-sticking peat
Peas, lentils & vetch Acidic soil tolerant Rhizobium leguminosarum pre-sterilised Self-sticking peat
Peas, lentils & vetch
Acidic soil tolerant Rhizobium leguminosarum pre-sterilised Granular

TagTeam peat pea, lentil, faba bean & vetch (Group E & F) SDS

123 KB
  • SDS

TagTeam peat pea, lentil, faba bean & vetch (Group E & F) SDS

TagTeam peat chickpea (Group N) label

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  • Label

TagTeam peat chickpea (Group N) label

TagTeam peat chickpea (Group N) SDS

127 KB
  • SDS

TagTeam peat chickpea (Group N) SDS

TagTeam peat lupin (Group G) label

534 KB
  • Label

TagTeam peat lupin (Group G) label

TagTeam peat lupin (Group G) SDS

122 KB
  • SDS

TagTeam peat lupin (Group G) SDS

TagTeam peat pea, lentil, faba bean & vetch (Group E & F) label

592 KB
  • Label

TagTeam peat pea, lentil, faba bean & vetch (Group E & F) label

TagTeam granular application rates
Row spacing Application rates Area treated per bag
7 in  17.8 cm 5.6 kg/ha 3.2 ha
8 in  20.3 cm 4.9 kg/ha 3.6 ha
9 in 23.0 cm 4.4 kg/ha 4.0 ha
10 in 25.4 cm 3.9 kg/ha 4.6 ha
11 in 27.9 cm 3.6 kg/ha 5.0 ha
12 in 30.5 cm 3.3 kg/ha 5.4 ha
13 in 33.0 cm 3.0 kg.ha 6.0 ha
14 in 35.6 cm 2.8 kg/ha 6.4 ha
15 in 38.0 cm 2.6 kg/ha 6.9 ha
TagTeam peat application rates
Crop Amount of seed per 2.45 kg bag Approximate water volume**
Chickpea 1,000 kg 3.0 - 6.0 litres
Lentil 500 kg 3.0 - 6.0 litres
Lupin 1,000 kg 3.0 - 6.0 litres
Pea, faba bean, vetch 1,000 kg 3.0 - 6.0 litres
  **Approximate water volume for peat slurry application

Always read and follow label directions

TagTeam Product Guide

1879 KB
  • Product Guide

TagTeam Product Guide

TagTeam Dry Application Fact Sheet

179 KB
  • Resource

TagTeam Dry Application Fact Sheet

TagTeam Inoculant Storage Sheet

83 KB
  • Resource

TagTeam Inoculant Storage Sheet

TagTeam - What are Nodules?

197 KB
  • Technical Guide

TagTeam - What are Nodules?

TagTeam Tech Note

667 KB
  • Technical Guides

TagTeam Tech Note

TagTeam Technology

The synergy of the rhizobia bacteria and the soil fungus working together delivers increased phosphate efficiency and more fixed nitrogen. TagTeam's MultiAction performance delivers better results than using a single-action rhizobium inoculant plus more phosphate fertiliser, and is more convenient to use.

Higher yields with TagTeam

Latest applicator videos

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Video Thumbnail

TagTeam pulse inoculants – no need for a slurry

Graeme Sutton Technical Services Bayer SeedGrowth explains why TagTeam pulse inoculants can be applied directly to seed. Dry application means no need to put it into a slurry and John Reichstein from AgSpray Centre Goondiwindi talks about efficiency gains of this method at seeding time.
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Video Thumbnail

Easy application of Bayer TagTeam pulse inoculant using the AgSpray TagTeam Applicator

John Reichstein from Ag Spray Centre Goondiwindi talks to Graeme Sutton from Bayer SeedGrowth about the ease of using the Flash Vats TagTeam applicator to apply TagTeam peat based inoculants. They discuss the benefits of dry application to pulse seed compared to conventional slurry application.

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TagTeam® is a registered trademark of Novozymes. © 2021 the Bayer Group.