Grey mould
Grey mould, otherwise known as botrytis, is a major problem for all strawberry-producing States as the fruit rot disease can cause significant crop losses. Its ability to continue to spread while in storage, transit or in the marketplace exacerbates its impact.
Lentils are also impacted by botrytis grey mould – refer to the link below.

Grey mould affected fruit initially becomes water-soaked and soft before the fruit turns brown and a grey cotton-like growth is produced on the surface. While it is commonly observed on the strawberry fruit, grey mould also infects flowers, stalks and leaves. The fungus can survive from season to season on crop residue or as sclerotia in the soil. Mild weather with high humidity favours disease development.
As grey mould can spread very quickly and become difficult to contain, the most effective management approach is a preventative one. Removing plant debris and rotted fruit will assist in reducing background levels of disease.
Serenade® Opti is a biological fungicide which prevents grey mould in strawberries equal to synthetic products at low to moderate disease pressure. However, under high disease pressure, the impact of Serenade Opti will be reduced. To achieve best results Serenade Opti is more effective at disease prevention than curative control. Apply Serenade Opti every 5-10 days starting at the beginning of flowering.
Teldor® and Scala® can be applied alternatively (to rotate fungicide groups) at 7-10 day intervals when conditions favour grey mould development.