
Covered smut

Ustilago hordei (oats and barley), Tilletia laevis (wheat)

Covered smut is caused by the same fungal pathogen in barley and oats, but in wheat it is caused by a different pathogen. Covered smut in wheat has several names including ball smut, stinking smut and common bunt. Like other cereal smuts, covered smut is generally controlled effectively with seed dressings. Covered smut can cause yield losses and there is a nil tolerance of grain contaminated with covered smut at receival points in Australia.

Refer to the link below for more detailed information on bunt.

Covered smut



Covered smut is a disease affecting seed heads and generally remains undetected until head emergence. Infected heads may emerge later than healthy ones and the ears often break through the sheath below the flag leaf. Infected heads are filled with dark brown to black sooty spores instead of grains. Covered smut spores are held tightly compared to loose smut spores. Infection is encouraged by wet conditions and warm temperatures (15 - 20 °C) during flowering.
Spores from covered smut are seed and soil-borne. During harvest, spores from infected heads contaminate healthy clean seed, soil and machinery, where they remain dormant. Spores on contaminated seed used for planting germinate at the same time as seedlings, infecting the plant. Conditions favouring infection are early sowing into dry soil and warm (15 - 21 °C) temperatures.  Following infection, the fungus grows within the plant, appearing later in the heads as masses of spores, replacing grains.


There are no control options in-crop for covered smut, therefore preventative control measures should be employed. Following an outbreak of covered smut, growers should source clean seed and grow resistant varieties where possible.
Regular use of seed dressings, particularly after an outbreak, is important. Ensure good coverage of grains to ensure seed dressings provide effective control of covered smut. Jockey® Stayer®, EverGol®Prime, EverGol® Energy, Raxil® T and Hombre®Ultra can be used to control covered smut (common bunt) in wheat.  Jockey Stayer and EverGol Energy are registered for the control of covered smut in barley and EverGol Prime, Raxil T and Hombre Ultra are all registered for the control of covered smut in barley and oats.

Related Pest


CropPro (Viewed Nov 2019), ‘Covered smut of barley’,

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) (2015), ‘Diagnosing covered smut in barley’,

Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) (2017), ‘Diagnosing smut in oats’,

Holloway, G (2012), ‘Bunts and Smuts of Cereals’, Agriculture Victoria, 

Thomas, G, Jayasena, K, Beard, C and Hills, A (2017), ‘Smut and bunt diseases of cereal – biology identification and management’, Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD),