Insect pressure at Christmas time
- Product News
- Growers Edge
21 December, 2017
- Product News
- Growers Edge
21 December, 2017
It’s not only powdery mildew and botrytis which can arrive as unwanted guests around Christmas time - insects can also join in on the vineyard festivities!

Chewing pests like the caterpillar of the light brown apple moth (LBAM) enjoy flowering bunches and newly developed berries. Each caterpillar can damage up to 40 berries and leave open wound sites for botrytis to infect. These larvae can also spread the spores of botrytis as they travel within the bunch. There are a number of effective insecticides for LBAM, depending on the size of the larvae and the desired withholding periods.
In recent seasons, sucking insects like mealy bug and scale have become more of an issue in winegrapes, and like many pests and diseases, early action is critical. For example, Movento® insecticide is effective on the juvenile/crawler stages of mealy bug and scale, however by the time adults develop and sooty mould follows, it is usually more about identifying the following year’s strategy.
With all the preventative work done, the focus then shifts to final canopy manipulation, maintaining the optimum water status and booking in the harvest schedule!
In recent seasons, sucking insects like mealy bug and scale have become more of an issue in winegrapes, and like many pests and diseases, early action is critical. For example, Movento® insecticide is effective on the juvenile/crawler stages of mealy bug and scale, however by the time adults develop and sooty mould follows, it is usually more about identifying the following year’s strategy.
With all the preventative work done, the focus then shifts to final canopy manipulation, maintaining the optimum water status and booking in the harvest schedule!